

Digital citizenship is an individual’s way of using technology to connect with others. Our online presences should be held accountable, similar to acting responsible and kind in person. Students are constantly taught what NOT to do as a digital citizen: don’t online bully, don’t talk to strangers, don’t share personal information. Along with the don’ts, students should be taught how to be a friend online. Young people can use their digital citizenship safely to connect with others, stay informed, and learn more on various topics.

Our next generation will be using technology to make the world a better place. Nicole Krueger speaks on how young people have been using social media and other digital tools to support causes they care about. Social action use to be volunteering or joining groups to support a movement, but now we are seeing social action online through digital citizenships! Students now have the access to “use technology as a global microphone to connect with communities beyond the classroom.”


“Make Digital Citizenship about the Do’s, Not the Don’ts.” YouTube, Make Digital Citizenship about the Do’s, not the Don’ts.

Krueger, Nicole. “Digital Citizenship Is the New Citizenship.” ISTE, 22 Jan. 2020,

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